When this tragic event happened, I was in 2nd Grade, Mrs. Matteson's Class. I don't remember hardly anything about it. I don't remember knowing anything about it until lunch when my mom came and got me for an allergy doctor's appointment in Amarillo. When she picked me up I looked at her and saw that something wasn't right. I asked what was wrong and she told me that there had been a very bad thing happen in a big city a long way from here. Being a mere child I figured that somebody had gotten sick or something, I never in a million years imagined that it would be that something so much bigger. Something that would change millions of lives in totally different ways. The next thing I remember is driving into Amarillo, in a completely silent car, because my mom didn't want to turn on the radio and let me hear the talk of the tragedy. I remember sitting in the waiting room and watching television, I think it was like Nickelodeon or something. When someone came in and changed the channel. Just before I looked away I saw a replay of the planes hitting the towers, and immediately asking my mom what was happening.
As for the future I think that September 11th will always be a memory in the minds of those who were personally effected by it. The families of the lives lost, the soldiers sent into battle afterwards, and the survivors. In twenty years I have no clue what will be going on, we may not even be here. I don't even know what will happen in the next hour. I plan that I will be marching the halls in the band. But, who knows.
I believe that the terrorist chose America because of the beliefs we have established our country on and because they don't like that we have so much freedom and they don't. I have heard that they believe that the more people they murder, the closer they are to heaven, and that could also be a reason, because we don't believe that way. They think we are ignorant and stupid for not believing that.
No, I don't know anyone that was directly affected by it, the only person I know that is any where near those places is my cousin DeeDee she lives in Washington D.C., but other than that no one else.
If I wrote a story about 9/11 I would write it from the point of view of a child witnessing her first national tragedy. I would write what I know.
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